December 18, 2014

War crimes enthusiast of the day

Bill Kristol told Newsmax TV host Steve Malzberg  that Republicans should emulate Dick Cheney’s recent media tour in defense of the agency’s treatment of detainees. According to Kristol, CIA detainees didn’t experience “real torture” and merely endured “unpleasant” interrogation that “you recover from and seems to have no lasting effects at all.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's conduct an experiment.

Let's do it to Bill (with his consent) under identical conditions and see if it has no lasting effects at all.

He could agree to be taken to an unknown location, cut off from all sources of help, with no opportunity to opt out and no set end date. He would agree that the release date would be set based upon a random pick known incarceration targets - including those still in custody.

He would then be subject to the same treatment as set forth in the CIA report - which itself is probably an understatement of what actually happened.

After release (if ever) he could be tested for "lasting effects."

More likely than not, just the suggestion of such treatment would be debilitating to him.